+38 (04744) 3-33-28
Published on April 24, 2025

History of the center

The Center for International Education and Cooperation is a structural unit of Uman National University of Horticulture, which organizes the recruitment and coordination of training of foreign nationals and stateless persons, organizes internships for researchers and students abroad.

The center includes a preparatory department for foreign nationals and a department for international relations.

The main purpose of the Center is to coordinate and ensure the activities of the University in the field of pre-university training of foreign citizens, educational work with foreign citizens receiving higher education, visa registration work and international cooperation.The main tasks of the Center are:

- monitoring the market of educational services in different regions of the world;

- cooperation with companies-agents on the recruitment of foreign nationals for training;

- development of rules for admission of foreign citizens to Uman NUH;

- admission of foreign citizens to study at the preparatory department, preparation of the necessary documents;

- organization of introductory interviews for foreign citizens entering the accredited specialties in Uman NUH, registration of the necessary documents;

- coordination of visa and passport work with foreign citizens studying at Uman NUH, as well as the preparation of relevant documentation;

- reception and settlement of foreign citizens who came to study at Uman NUH;

- coordination of the activities of faculties in the implementation of curricula and training programs for foreign citizens;

- drawing up curricula for training in the preparatory department and coordination of training programs for foreign citizens;

- improvement of scientific and methodological support for the education of foreign citizens;

- together with other departments of Uman NUH to monitor academic performance, the results of internships, analysis of current attendance of foreign nationals.

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